Select video game print material by decade

Monday, March 23, 2015

Virtual i-glasses VTV (1996)

Original ad published in the September 1996 issue of EGM 2 (no. 27).

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A dubious start for the nascent VR field 

One of the weirder peripherals for console gaming, the Virtual i-glasses VTV were a strong bet to bring Virtual Reality to the masses. Since they are so rare, little is known about these devices, save for their now obvious contribution to various current VR projects. They were developed by a company called Virtual I-O.

A footnote in the gran scheme of technology, Virtual i-glasses VTV were no doubt taken into account when designing Apple’s VR unit and the Oculus Rift, the current king of the hill. The latter system resolved the inherent lag of previous VR sets that made the user “lose connection” with the VR effect. That development led to the success of the Oculus. If you’re interested in te subject, check out this interesting read by Wired.

As for the ad itself, it’s typically 90’s design. There’s a ridiculous kid using the glasses and some shameful copy about escaping from your parents. An interesting 90’s relic.

Virtual i-glasses VTV print ad copy

Just because you have to go to your room doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

Introducing the perfect reason to get the parental units to banish you from the living room. Virtual i-glasses! VTV Turn any room in your house into a virtual played for your favorite video games, just plug the virtual i-glasses into your  system (Sony, Sega, Nintendo, 3DO) and lose your head in a video gaming experience like never before possible complete with vivid full color imagery on a virtual big screen and full blown stereo sound. Total privacy. Total intensity. Total gaming. So what are ya waiting for? Go to your room!

Virtual i-glasses VTV
You haven’t seen this before

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